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Jeanelle Demers

Pro-Team Athlete

Residence: Jefferson, MA


About: On a regular day, Jeanelle will get up at 5 AM and head to her Crossfit gym before work. On her lunch break she is either off running outside or in the gym.

Jeanelle’s commitment to exercise and health has been a key to her success in obstacle course racing.Jeanelle trains for all distances and her race resume includes many 5Ks, half marathons, and marathons. Jeanelle has also been known to head out into the White Mountains and push for 12 hours at a time.

Jeanelle's varied training has made her a threat in Spartan Sprints, Supers, Beasts, and any other race she enters herself in.Jeanelle finished the Spartan Points Series ranked 35th for females in the U.S. Her top finishes included a 2nd place podium at the Spartan Boston Sprint and 1st place in her age group Urban Raid in Portland, ME.


Fun Fact: Jeanelle is a portrait artist and graphic designer specializing in pet portraits. Jeanelle also designed Nor’Easter’s logo for 2016.

Nor'Easter Pro-Team Athlete Profile

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