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Nathan Oriol

Pro-Team Manager & Athlete

Residence: Jefferson, Massachusetts


About: Nor'Easter OCR's Team Manager and one of the original four founders of the Team. Nathan's leadership has seen Nor'Easter OCR grow from a close group of friends to a nationally respected and competative OCR Brand. 

Nathan is one of the distance event specialists on the team, he feels most comfortable in competations north of the 12 mile marker. Nathan has developed a reputation for grinding out the competition with a hard steady pace that sees him climb in the standings throughout the event right up to the finish. His training is a mystery as he frequently will dissapear into the woods of Central Massachsuetts only to emerge hours later with no recolection of how far he actually ran.


Having several podiums at local and regional events Nathan's set his eyes on several big name events this season. Additionally he has been working year round, and behind the scenes bringing together a talented group of athletes, and building the Nor'Easter OCR brand


Fun Fact: Nathan's first OCR was a Tough Mudder in Kentucky back in 2012. He was convinced by fellow Nor'Easter Athlete Ryan Josti to go attempt to qualify for Worlds Toughest Mudder 2012, which he did. 


Nor'Easter Pro-Team Athlete Profile

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